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Wednesday, 30 November 2016

Screen-Printing Made Easy with the GOCCOPRO

Q) The title suggests this screen-printing is easy, Why?

A) Traditional Screen printers served an apprenticeship so there was a large amount of knowledge and skill required. There were several reasons for this and the GOCCOPRO eliminates these skills that were requires. The first part of screen-printing is making the screen, which involves coating a mesh, exposing the image and washout with chemicals. There are quite a few steps that take a lot of time, space and there can be slip ups or mishaps at each stage. This is the messy part that puts people off before you have even started printing, which is the fun part.

The GOCCOPRO does away with this first screen creating stage saving the operator a large amount of time. It then skips all of the messy troublesome bits. It de-skills this first step and at the same time increases the quality of screen produced. Within an hour anyone can be printing an amazingly detailed digital image that previously would have been a impossible for the traditional screen-printer.

Our screens will change the perception of screen-printing and customers will expect to be able to get high definition amazing half tones and far more complicated artwork. This is really what makes the GOCCOPRO so exciting

Q) Do you still require a level of skill to print even with your easily made screens?

A) I would say you do need a level of skill but you can pick this up very quickly with a little practice and you are learning the fun part knowing that your screen is perfect.

For more information on the GOCCOPRO 100 please call 01341 654 4304 or e-mail


Printwear and Promotion Magazine asked Derek Muller of GOCCOPRO UK some questions about screen printing in the world today. We will show some exerts over the coming months.

Q) So Derek what first attracted you to becoming the UK distributor for the GOCCOPRO, an area of business you have not really been involved in before?

A) That's is a good question and I realize that today I would have the same answer now as I would when I started 3 years ago. I love its simplicity, I love its user friendly ness, I love the exceptionally quick turn around times, I love the efficiency of the whole system, I love how easy it is to create additional revenue and I love how a complete screen printing novice like me can print amazing quality images with just 10 minutes training.

What I didn’t realize was how the screen-printing business has become so entrenched in its ways. The need for large block solids simple silhouette images is what customers expect to see when screen-printing. This is because the original way screens are made can only make screens like this, unless you have an expensive screen making set up. This has a great look and is very much a style all of its own but with a GOCCOPRO you can really change the type of artwork you print. You can give your customers so much more

What is surprising is even when customers have a ground breaking system for screen-printing they tend to print traditional artwork.

Q) What would you like to see.

A) I would love to see more interesting GOCCOPRO halftone screen-printing out there that really makes you say wow! We have tried to make a few simple videos that show just what can be done Check them out HERE and then show us what you can do

Thanks for more information on the GOCCOPRO 100 please call 01341 654 4304 or e-mail


Thursday, 17 November 2016

GOCCOPRO Digiutal Screen print - In the beginning


This is the first post of our Digital screen printing blog were we will give you great insights into how easy, fun and cost effective it is screen printing with a GOCCOPRO system.

Please subscribe and feel free to give us feedback so we can best help give the best information we can.

We are starting off today giving you a little video showing how easy it is to take a selfie and then print it onto a t-shirt in 5 minutes. What I like most is the quality of print you can get so easily.

So that's all for today thanks for stopping by.
